Sunday, June 26, 2011

Commercial 5

            My last commercial critique is one of my favorites from the film awards ceremony. The “You Look Dumber with Your Mouth Open” Campaign consists of two commercials and won a gold lion in the pharmacy category. My favorite of the two commercials is called “Classroom Craft” and starts out in a long range shot of a teacher giving her students a pair of scissors. The camera then zooms in on each child as the teacher walks down the row giving out scissors. At the end of the row, the teacher gets to a student who has her mouth open breathing as if she were snoring. The teacher looks at her skeptically and gives her a pair of safety scissors from the box. The child looks confused when the punch line, “You Look Dumber with your Mouth Open” appears on the screen. The commercial then shows Otrivin nasal spray and their slogan, “The Pleasure of Breathing.” I thought this commercial was very funny and able to reach a broad audience. The only way I thought it could have been better was if it had been more noticeable that the first students were getting real scissors. Many people may not have noticed at first that the last student got a different kind of scissors which is a very important point to the commercial.


  1. Excellent commercial critiques. I had the same reaction regarding the scissors. Hard to tell, if you blinked, that earlier kids got bigger sharper scissors. I did think the campaign idea was a bit of a stretch -- a little to far away from the product. But it was funny.

    Good blogs, but they could have had more detail.

  2. haha a lot of people didn't notice that the kid at the end got a different pair of scissors...including Bridget! Definitely an integral part of the commercial
